Friday, November 8, 2013

Loki and Freya from Smite (energy drink mix 17)

       The Loki 

      When I first made this drink I thought it was going to be a dud. I really thought this would the worst energy drink mix ever because its combining soft mead with zero calorie monster. Its like dunking a ginger bread man into cream soda. IT ISN"T GOING TO TASTE GOOD! Than a friend at my college told me to ride it out, worst come to worse I could dump the drink out and pretend I never made it. 1 month later I displayed the drinks to my friends and it was a big hit. All of my friends there loved it,they couldn't get enough of it, heck I couldn't get enough. So I decided to take a quick picture in a nice secluded room  before dispensing of the remains.


What you need for 24fl.oz:
  • 3/4 cup of honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ginger
  • 1 slice of lemon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • 2-3 cups of spring water
  • 1 16oz can of Monster Energy Zero Ultra

How to make: 
  1. Start by making the soft mead which is:
    1. 3/4 cup of honey.
    2. 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon.
    3. 1/4 teaspoon of ginger.
    4. 1 slice of lemon.
    5. 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg.
    6. Fill with spring water.
  2. Than let it sit in the fridge for a month.
  3. On the day you want to serve the energy drink pour the 16oz can of Monster Energy Zero Ultra into a glass of your choosing and fill it half-way. Than fill the other half with the soft mead.
  4. Attempt to drink in one shot to become immortal!
  5. Sit down and relax. Your not going anywhere anytime soon.

Danger level: 7.5/10
Awesomeness level: 8.5/10


            I really wanted to make this a separate energy drink mix but I could not do that in good conscious. So instead of thinking of this energy drink mix as a different drink think of it as a optional upgrade. Now the story of this drink is really simple. I was showing off the Loki to my friends and suddenly I saw one of my college friends eating skittles and it gave me an idea. I know Freya is not related to Loki in any way but the drink works so well and so do the colors.

Cost: $2-$5 extra.

      What you need 24 fl.oz.:

  •  The Loki (created before hand).
  •  Skittles.
  • Optional: Crushed Smarties.

How to make:
  1. Make the Loki.
  2. Add skittles.
  3. Optional: Add Crushed smarties.
  4. Give the drink a soft stir and enjoy.

Danger Level: 8/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10

*Please drink responsibly* 
*Do not let this drink  sit past 4-5 months*

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thor from Smite (energy drink mix 17)

Thor from Smite

        Ever wanted to post a a fun energy drink and forget to take a photo of said drink to show that you made that Well guess what happened to me. That is right I made this energy drink with my bare hands and wits only to forget to take a dang picture ;D.  Like I said in my last energy drink ( I made a list of energy drinks meant for a popular MOBA game called smite preferably in the Norse pantheon, and by chance the next on the that list is Thor. When I made this drink I had to think, "What makes Thor, Thor?". The first things that came to mind were; Strong, boastful, and cranberries?? Yeah, I don't know why or how cranberries appeared but by the gods they made one of Hel of a impact. Now starting out you will have to make the non-alcoholic mead found in the Odin energy drink mix, so if you do not know how to make non-alcoholic mead I suggest you go there first. Now that we have that out of the way let's make a energy drink.

  What you will need:
  • At least 6-8 oz Pure Honey (20 fl oz bottle) or at least 18-24 oz of Pure Honey (1 liter)
  • 1/2 tsp. of Ginger
  • 1/4 of cinnamon (20 fl oz) or 1/2 cinnamon (1 liter)
  • 1/2 tsp.of nutmeg 
  • Fill the rest with spring water spring water
  • some kind of lid for your container
  • 1 16 fl oz of Green monster energy drink.
  • Cranberry Juice (any size, any kind)

How to make:

 1. Make the non-alcoholic mead with the cranberry juice with it in      the same type of bottle(s) listed in the Odin.
 2. Once done you MUST place the cranberry non-alcoholic mead         in the fridge. 

 3. Let it sit in the fridge for about a week. For the best results give        the container a good shake once every 12-14 hours. 

4. Now from here you can do three things with the Thor. 
    A: If there is room in the container pour all of the Green monster     energy drink into the mead and pour it into the same glass the           same day or the day after. DO NOT DRINK AFTER 48                   HOURS IT COULD DANGEROUS TOWARDS YOUR                   HEALTH. 

    B: Pour the mead into a small glass halfway, fill the other half           with Green monster energy drink, and stir.

   C: Pour the mead into a small glass and then bomb it with a              smaller glass when ready to consume drink.

 5. Sit back and enjoy your drink.

Awesomeness level: 7/10
Danger level: 8/10

*Please drink responsibly*

*Author's note: Please do not let the mead sit past 4-5 months or it could become alcoholic. Also all of my energy drink mix are not  health supplements. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Odin the Allfather from Smite (energy drink mix 16)

Odin the Allfather from Smite

      By shear coincidence I started to play the 3rd person f2p Moba game called Smite, a game where you control a god of your choice and fight other gods for fame and glory, at that same time a friend of mine was suggesting that I should try making some non-alcoholic Honey mead. Over some time I finally made several batches of Honey'd mead that I found outstanding. After drinking a liter or two I wondered if I could make a good energy drink mix out of  the Honey mead, so with my best friend and I as the guinea pigs, we tested energy drink mix after energy drink mix until we found a couple of energy drink recipes that suite our tastes. Now the only problem was deciding a name which was involved in a video game, be Norse, and had to make sense. Since I was playing Smite recently my best friend suggested that we name them after the Norse gods in Smite. With some reluctance I accepted his proposal and so here it is, a long line of non-alcoholic energy drink mixed with non-alcoholic mead centered around it. 

What you need for my  version of Honey mead:

  • At least 6-8 oz Pure Honey (20 fl oz bottle) or at least 18-24 oz of Pure Honey (1 liter)
  • 1/2 tsp. of Ginger
  • 1/4 of cinnamon (20 fl oz) or 1/2 cinnamon (1 liter)
  • 1/2 tsp.of nutmeg 
  • Fill the rest with spring water spring water
  • some kind of lid for your container
  • 1 16 fl oz of Green monster energy drink to make the Odin energy drink mix.
Cost: $15 or more depending on size 
How to make my Honey mead (step by step):
 1. Pour 1/2 tsp. of Ginger, 1/4 of cinnamon (20 fl oz) or 1/2 cinnamon (1 liter), 1/2 tsp.of nutmeg into the container of your choosing. 

 2. Then pour the suggest amount of honey listed above.

 3. Fill it nearly to the top with spring water and place the lid on top of your container. 

 4. Let it sit at room temperature for at least 3 days before drinking.

 5. When you think the mead is ready for consumption get out a small glass.

 6. Gently fill half of the glass with Honey mead.

 7. Gently stir or bomb the glass with Green monster energy drink mix.

 8. Once glass is nearly full sit back and enjoy. 

Awesomeness level: 6.5/10
Danger level: 5/10

*Please drink responsibly*

*Author's note: Please do not let the mead sit for over 5 months otherwise it could become alcoholic. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Baron Nashor buff from LOL (energy drink mix 15)

   The Baron Nashor buff from LOL

    This is a funny story...You see, I was planning to make the Ancient Golem blue buff from League of Legends for the next energy drink mix, but there was just one tiny little problem. The local store ran out of most of the material. Refusing to back away and try again I relished to attempt to make the energy drink mix with different materials. The energy drink mix I made was not even close to what I was hoping was even better! The only problem is that I couldn't name it the Ancient Golem buff from LOL because the drink turned a natural royal purple color. So without question I brought my good buddy Steve over to test it with me, after a quick shot he stared at me with shock in his eyes and proclaimed, "This drink shall be called the Baron Nashor Buff!", and that is how this amazing drink came into existence. 

What you need for 1 liter: 

  • 2 8oz cans Blue edition red bull energy
  •  2  or 3 cans 16oz can Blue zero carb rock star energy drink
  • 1 can 16oz of absolute zero monster energy
  • 1 16 slot ice cube tray  
  • "kitty litter"( 1 small box of crushed nerd,  1 small roll of crushed smarties, and 2 teaspoons of  sugar)
  • optional: blue 5-gum peppermint
  • optional: blue assorted food coloring (if you want it to turn more purple-ish)
Cost: around $20 for one liter. 

How to make: Ok this could get confusing so I am simply ganna list what you should do.

     1.Grab the materials for the "kitty litter" and crush them into a fine powder. The easiest way is: to empty it all in a food storage bag,  get a rolling pin, and roll it back in forth into you get a nice powder. 
     2. Place a pinch-full of "kitty litter" into each slot of the ice cube tray.

     3. Then pour some 16oz of absolute zero monster energy into each slot of the ice cube tray. If you have        
      some 16oz of absolute zero monster energy left over either pour it in another ice cube tray or pour it into
      the 1 liter container that you are using. 

    4. Place the ice cube tray into the freezer and wait at least 6 hours.

    5. Meanwhile, pour 2-3 cans 16oz can Blue zero carb rock star energy drink into your 1 liter pitcher, and than pour the 2 cans of 8oz  Blue edition red bull energy. Then stir the energy drink mix.

    6. If the color is not satisfactory add some blue assorted food coloring and stir until your satisfied. 
   7. Place the energy drink mix into your fridge and leave it there until the ice is done. 

    8. When everything is ready, take out the frozen monster drink from the freezer and put at most two of     
     those ice cubes into a recommended  8oz glass.
    9.  Take out the energy drink mix from the fridge and pour it into the recommended  8oz glass.

   10. If you have blue 5-gum peppermint begin chewing it for at least 5 secs. and don't spit it out
         until it loses flavor.        

   11. Drink (if your chewing blue 5-gum peppermint drink while chewing it for a cool feeling).

Awesomeness level: OP/10 (9 out of 10)
Danger level: 8.5/10

*Please drink responsibly* 

*authors note: I added a cost list in order for people to be more efficient with their own money. 


Monday, May 13, 2013

The Elder Lizard from League of legends (energy drink mix 14)

The Elder Lizard (red buff)

     So everyone knows about the extremely popular game called League of Legends from Riot Games. For a very long time, I have been wondering how to make a good energy drink mix for all the buffs in LOL. The red buff consists of fire and when you hurt someone you can light it on fire. So after much consideration, I decided to stay true to the buff's details and create a "spicy" drink. My other goal was to make it cheap as possible for you guys and me. Now I should warn you now that this mix will hurt, it is designed to burn you from the inside. I personally recommend this as a punishment, then a reward. You have been warned. 

Ingredients for one glass: 

  1. At least 2 teaspoons of Cinnamon 
  2. 1/2 a can of diet root beer 
  3. fill up the rest with Bing energy drink (cherry)

Directions: Lets get dangerous! First pour as much Cinnamon as you desire into your glass, but it must be at least 2 teaspoons or you will not feel the burn. Next fill the glass at least halfway with diet root beer, get a spoon, and gently stir the mix together. Once your done, fill it to the top with Cherry Bing Energy Drink, and stir again. This is to ensure you will feel a burn at some point when drinking this. When the drink is complete sit down with a friend and play some League of legends while drinking some searing Elder Lizard.

Danger level: Ignite/10 (Aki: 8/10)
Awesomeness level: 5/10

*Please drink responsibly*

Barq's Root Beer (Google Affiliate Ad)

Authors note: Sorry, I haven't been making energy drink mixes for a long time. I had to quickly focus on my college studies or else I would have flunked college.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nerd juice (energy drink 13)

Nerd Juice

         Due to recent recent events, I am numbing my energy drink mixes from now least for the next two weeks. I am doing this because...well, I simply don't want to die. You see, before I even release these mixes onto the web I test them to get the best results. Since my last drink almost gave me a heart attack I decided to make something less lethal for my heart. So after some Googling , I created a recipe that is easy on the wallet, and on the heart.  I call it (in case you haven't read the title of this post) Nerd juice. This is a wonderful drink to share with friends and do nerdy stuff. So without further ado, let's make a drink.

Recipe for 1 liter bottle :  

  • 1 small pack of Willy Wonka Nerds (crushed)
  • 1 or 2 small pack of Pop rocks (your favorite flavor)
  • 1 packet of  Sour punch straws (large)
  • 1 small packet War heads (favorite flavor)
  • 2 20 fl oz  of Jolly rancher Sodas (favorite flavor) 
  • 2  20 fl oz of bottles of Mountain dew (green) or 7up (lemon/lime)
  • Optional: 1 Amp energy drink (green)

How to make:
   This drink couldn't be any simpler. All you have to do is pour all of  the Willy Wonka Nerds, Pop rocks, and  War heads into the empty liter bottle. Afterwards, pour the Jolly rancher sodas in, and gently follow it up with the 2 bottles of Mountain dew (or 7up). If you want Amp energy drink ( green) in your drink, I recommend you pour it in before the sodas. Once your done, close the 1 liter bottle with it's own cap and shake the bottle...gently. From here you can go two routes, you can put the Nerd juice in the fridge and wait 2 hours or more, or you can stick the energy drink mix in the freezer for 45 minutes. Both produce somewhat different flavors. Both of which I will let you experiment on and find out. Once you are done with the refrigerator method or freezer gently shake the bottle once more. Than pour it into what-ever type of glass you want.  After that is complete, grab 1 Sour Punch straw and use it as a...well a straw. If the beverage refuses to come out there are some methods to open up the Sour punch straw. 
Method 1: Use a smaller straw-like object and push it through the straw, making it open up more.
Method 2: Make a slit on the bottom part of the Sour punch Straw to make a bigger opening.
Method 3: Supposedly you can Stick these in a oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes and they will inflate, I have no idea if it does since the first method worked for me; however, the internet decrees method 3 works so...take that advice with caution.  Once you have opened up your straw, just sit down and relax.

Danger level: 6/10
Awesomeness level:  7.5/10

Jolly Rancher Fruit Flavored Hard Candy, 5 lb. Bag (Google Affiliate Ad)
*please drink responsibly* 

*author's note: All of my drinks are meant for parties, something to drink with your friends, etc. It is not a health supplement.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Blackout (energy drink mix 12)


    I have no idea why, but lately I am have been making a lot of dangerous energy drink mixes. This latest one is so powerful; it somehow convinced me I could run at the highest incline on a treadmill,   and run at the top speed possible for it. During that time, I used that treadmill's heart rate monitor to see how I was doing. Both times the monitor said 159,and soon after I passed out.  I should have died last night from a heart attack last night. For this reason I urge you readers to be careful with this drink. If you are completely sure you want to try this drink, go ahead, I will not stop you. You have the right to choose how you live your life, but I still urge you to be careful. If you want to keep making this drink, keep reading this post.

Recipe for 1 large container: 

  • 2 cans of Rockstar energy drink + punch (red)
  • 6 squirts of Mio energy black cherry (red)
  • 1 can of Original Amp energy drink (green/black)
  • 1/2 can of Bang energy drink (lemonade/black) or some Cranberry juice
  • 1 small bag of sour skittles
  • Optional: a paramedic

How to make: 
 Open you large container and pour both cans of Rockstar energy drink + punch. Once that is done, kindly follow it up with a can of Original Amp energy drink . For best flavor, I recommend you pour half a bag of sour skittles in now. Now when your done with that, squirt Mio energy black cherry 6 times into your large container. Top it off with at least 1/2 can of Bang energy drink, and close the container. If you cannot find Bang energy drink, simply replace it for Cranberry juice. Finally, shake it up a bit and wait for the energy drink mix to settle. Serve your Blackout energy drink mix over some ice or stick it in the fridge for later. (max. durability for drink is at most 3 days).

Danger level: 11/10 (The sugar is just off the charts)
Awesomeness level: 9.5/10

*Please drink responsibly...I beg you*  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Concussion Grenade (energy drink mix 11)

                                Concussion Grenade

   I was told I was a fool to make something like this. To make a drink so potent, that I nearly collapsed on the first glass. The  original Concussion Grenade was super-powerful so I decided to dumb it down a bit to make the same wonderful drink with just a little less punch. I might post the original recipe later in my blog, but for now this will have to do. Now before I continue...most of my previous drinks have been relatively in-expensive. This version of the Concussion Grenade is slightly different. This drink's average price total is about $16 on a good day; However, this is about half the price of the original ( which is another reason why I might post it later). Not to mention the energy drink mix, while delicious, packs a punch. So use caution when drinking.

  • A resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink (Blue).
  • 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink (green)
  • 1/4 of a small bottle of POM pomegranate juice (purple-ish)
  • 1 can of diet coke-cola (grey)
  • 1 bag of lifesavers or skittles (taste the rainbow)
  • 1 roll of duck-tape (no, I am not kidding)

How to make it:
  Making this drink requires patience and duck-tape. Why preserve the energy drink mix and to prevent it from possibly exploding, or at least for your sake I hope it  doesn't implode in on itself. Now there is only a 90% it won't happen with this version of the Concussion Grenade, but there is a small chance so be careful. The first step is to open the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink, and get rid of about 1/2 of the drink ( do not lose cap). Than open the small bottle of POM pomegranate juice and pour about 1/4 into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink. Next follow it up with 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink; just be careful when your pouring the amp into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink. The reason is simple; this is the beginning of the where the monster might explode so be ready to close the drink as soon a possible or hover it over a sink. When the 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink is finished pouring into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink, tap the can off with as much diet coke-cola as possible. Now I know what your thinking, " Diet soda! You monster!".    I did to 1. Preserves the longevity of the drink, 2. makes the noxious gas more tolerable.  Seal the can up with the cap and duct-tape. Let the Concussion Grenade sit in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. When you are ready, grab your glass you wish to hold your beverage in and place a lifesavers, or a handful of skittles into the glass. Once that task is complete, grab the Concussion Grenade from the fridge and pour it into your glass. Finally, wait a few minutes and drink the Concussion Grenade for quite the bang!

Danger level: 8.5/10
awesomeness level: 10/10

*please drink responsibly.