Monday, February 4, 2013

Concussion Grenade (energy drink mix 11)

                                Concussion Grenade

   I was told I was a fool to make something like this. To make a drink so potent, that I nearly collapsed on the first glass. The  original Concussion Grenade was super-powerful so I decided to dumb it down a bit to make the same wonderful drink with just a little less punch. I might post the original recipe later in my blog, but for now this will have to do. Now before I continue...most of my previous drinks have been relatively in-expensive. This version of the Concussion Grenade is slightly different. This drink's average price total is about $16 on a good day; However, this is about half the price of the original ( which is another reason why I might post it later). Not to mention the energy drink mix, while delicious, packs a punch. So use caution when drinking.

  • A resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink (Blue).
  • 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink (green)
  • 1/4 of a small bottle of POM pomegranate juice (purple-ish)
  • 1 can of diet coke-cola (grey)
  • 1 bag of lifesavers or skittles (taste the rainbow)
  • 1 roll of duck-tape (no, I am not kidding)

How to make it:
  Making this drink requires patience and duck-tape. Why preserve the energy drink mix and to prevent it from possibly exploding, or at least for your sake I hope it  doesn't implode in on itself. Now there is only a 90% it won't happen with this version of the Concussion Grenade, but there is a small chance so be careful. The first step is to open the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink, and get rid of about 1/2 of the drink ( do not lose cap). Than open the small bottle of POM pomegranate juice and pour about 1/4 into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink. Next follow it up with 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink; just be careful when your pouring the amp into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink. The reason is simple; this is the beginning of the where the monster might explode so be ready to close the drink as soon a possible or hover it over a sink. When the 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink is finished pouring into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink, tap the can off with as much diet coke-cola as possible. Now I know what your thinking, " Diet soda! You monster!".    I did to 1. Preserves the longevity of the drink, 2. makes the noxious gas more tolerable.  Seal the can up with the cap and duct-tape. Let the Concussion Grenade sit in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. When you are ready, grab your glass you wish to hold your beverage in and place a lifesavers, or a handful of skittles into the glass. Once that task is complete, grab the Concussion Grenade from the fridge and pour it into your glass. Finally, wait a few minutes and drink the Concussion Grenade for quite the bang!

Danger level: 8.5/10
awesomeness level: 10/10

*please drink responsibly. 


  1. this heals concussions or creates them…?

  2. Could we see the original recipe? I'm far from sensitive to sugar or caffeine so pretty sure I'm not gonna "nearly collapse". I don't wanna waste my time with something that isn't potent lol

    1. If that is what you want I will post the original. Can't say I didn't warn you.
