Friday, December 21, 2012

Doomsday (energy drink mix 10)

  OH NO! It's  the End of the world December 21 2012. We are all going to die...or something like that. Well, if we're going to "die" let's go out with a bang. What kind of bang  you ask? A energy drink mix bang! I really mean it this time too, because I rolled up my sleeves, wore a bib , and drank like I never have before. Eventually I made a drink that I simply found outstanding, so irresistible, I figure it has to be one of the best ways for someone to go out.

What you need for 1 large glass:

  • 1/2 gallon of Cherry ice cream 
  • 1 bottle of Mio black cherry
  • 1 bottle of Nuero-passion
  • 1 shot of rip-it: red zone energy drink
  • 1 can of Mountain Dew: code red
  • 1 packet of Smarties
  • 1 bottle of chocolate sauce
  • whipped cream
  • Optional: 1 can of Red Monster energy drink
  • Optional: A cherry

How to make: OK, making this drink is a bit of a dozy, so you might want to pay close attention to this. I would recommend you start by crushing up your entire packet of smarties into dust, and quickly pour into your large glass before if blows away. Next you will need to pour in all of rip-it: red zone energy drink and then add as much Mio black cherry as you like. The reason why is because if you add the Mio black cherry first the crushed Smarties will form clumps, and possibly crystallize. Anyway, follow up the energy drink by pouring as much Mountain Dew: code red, and bottle of Nuero-passion. Once the glass begins to reach its peak add one or two scoops of Cherry ice cream. Finally finish it off by placing whipped cream on top of the Cherry ice cream, and pour chocolate sauce all over this dirty drink. (I know you want too)
You can replace Mountain Dew: code red with Red Monster energy drink, but be-warned that some Cherry ice cream(s) can cause your drink to explode. If you want to perfect this drink, the only thing you need to do is add the cherry on top.

Danger level: 9/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10

*please drink responsibly*

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