Thursday, December 20, 2012

Red Shell (energy drink mix 9)

    This is a mix that you can drink anytime and anywhere you want. As long you don't jug over six of them at once, you should be good. I made this drink while playing Mortal Kombat with some friends, and somehow while my friend was kicking my ass. A idea hit me that was so perfect for the moment, I literally dropped my controller and made this drink. I feel that this mixture is perfect for enjoying a nice competitive game with friends. Simply because you can make as much as you want and drink as much as you want and still feel OK. Besides that, the Red Shell is quite tasty and cheap, which makes it on the top 10 on my energy drink mix. 

What you will need to make a 1 liter:

  • 1 bottle of Mio energy black cherry
  • 1 can of cherry coke
  • 1 bottle of Nuero-sleep
  • 2 packets Kool-aid (or anything similar)
  • 1 Red Monster energy drink
  • Optional: Mountain Dew: code red

How to make: This should be easy to figure out. First pour in both packets of Kool-aid into the 1 liter container, then squirt as much as you want of  Mio energy black cherry, and next you pour in the entire can of Red Monster energy drink. Once you've added the Red Monster energy drink start streaming in the entire can of cherry coke. Once that's done, top of it with as much Nuero-sleep as possible. If you have a lot of room left add more cherry coke to it or Mountain Dew: code red. 

Danger level: 5/10
awesomeness level: 8/10

*please drink responsibly* 

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