Saturday, August 15, 2015

Experience Potion (energy drink mix 24)

Experience Potion
Lychee Nuts

Exp. Potion

   My friends and I have been playing minecraft a lot on our own server and we decided to celebrate it I should make something minecraft related and I just happen to get a Lychee nut tree so I decided to put two and two together to make something my friends love but I kinda dislike it but they encourage me to show it so hopefully you will enjoy it much more then me. 

Cost: ($3 - ??)

What you need for a liter:
15 fl.oz Lychee nuts (20 lychee nuts squeezed)
16 fl.oz Monster energy drink ultra 
Optional: 3 teaspoons of sugar and/or 4 teaspoons of honey
Optional: 12 fl.oz of cranberry juice

How to make:
  1. If you putting sugar and/or honey in first please use it first then continue.
  2. Empty the entire can of Monster energy drink ultra into the liter
  3. Then follow it up by pouring in the freshly squeezed or canned Lychee nut juice.
  4. Close the bottle tightly then shake for a while. 
  5. Leave in the fridge for a day or for 30 mins for immediate use.
  6. If you want cranberry juice the best option is to pour it into your glass at least 1/4 of the way, then pour the Experience Potion.
  7. Enjoy

Danger level: 3/10
Awesomeness level: 5/10

                                *please drink responsibly*

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Gamer's Health Potion (Energy Drink mix 23)

Gamer's Health Potion

  More DnD drinks for everyone. Grab your nearest friends and use this to gauge your health as you slowly unable to control yourself from shaking violently and have no fear powder-ade (powdered power-ade) is not in the drink. Instead I used Gatorade instead which is sooo expensive. Regardless this is another inexpensive drink that will get your heart pumping more then when your GM decided he should summon a hydra in front of your hero.

Cost: $3 - $7

What you need for a litter: 
32 floz of red fruit punch Gatorade
12 floz  of red cherry Amp
8 floz of Mountain Dew: code red
Optional: a few drops of Mio Energy black cherry

How to make:
  1. Open the bottle and pour the Mountain Dew: code red until the entire can is gone.
  2. After you discard the empty can, proceed to pour the rest of the cherry amp into the liter.
  3. Pour 14 floz into the little with the fruit punch Gator ade or till  its nearly full. 
  4. If you adding the Mio, instead of adding it to the litter add a few drop of Mio black cherry to every glass full you take. I find it tastes better that way and saves you more Mio.
  5. Pour Health potion in a small glass with ice in it for best result.
  6. Enjoy

Danger level: 6.5/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10

*please drink responsibly, and do remember that these drinks are not healthy for you*

Author note: I would like to apologize for my sudden absents with the blog. I got really busy with a few jobs over the summer.*

Monday, April 27, 2015

Gamer's stamina potion (Energy Drink mix 22)

Gamer's stamina potion 

    As many of my friends know, I love gaming. From playing Smite to playing DnD with my friends, I never get tired of it. So in dedication for these long years playing games with my friends I decided to make several potions that are meant for Gamers around the world. The first potion was originally going to be a mana potion but backfired rather quickly so instead I named it the Gamer's stamina potion and I guarantee that this will taste way better then those WOW potions blizzard sold. A word of warning if you use powerade powder with the drink  it will react to the monster the same way mentos and coke does.  Enjoy. 

Cost: ~ $4 to $6

What you need for a liter:
  • 12floz of blue Powerade.
  • 12floz of blue monster energy drink
  • 34floz of Mnt.Dew voltage
How to make:
  1. Find a 1 liter bottle with a cap
  2. Pour the blue Powerade until the bottle is half-empty
  3. Then pour half of the blue monster energy drink
  4. Then fill the rest of the bottle with Mnt.Dew voltage
  5. Cap the drink 
  6. Refrigerate it for at least an hour
  7. Enjoy.

Danger level: 6/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10

*Please drink responsibly* 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Original Concussion Grenade (energy drink mix 21)

Original Concussion Grenade (energy drink mix 21)

   I originally thought it would be best just to remove the original recipe from entirely from my recipe book mostly because the main ingredient I put in it was Vault as well as I thought I would put some idiot in the hospital because he or she chugged it like it was the water from the fountain of youth. I digress, I not only realize that things can be replaced but I think its been enough time to post the now untested version onto the web; However, I will one more time that this drink is very powerful so please use caution when drinking. Unlike the banneling acid with hooks, its not the noxious gas that might kill you its the fact its a possibly delicious sugar overload concoction also I say untested because I have yet to try out the new ingredients for it. So take that with a grain of salt if you would.I will label what I have added to replace lost content as (new).

Cost: Guesstimating at most $20

  • A resealable can of  16 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink (Blue).
    • Please make sure it is partially filled at least 1/4 of the way.
  • 2/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink (Green)
  • 1/5 of Orange or Apple Juice
  • 1/5 of Zero Ultra Monster energy (white)(new)
  • 10 squirts of a small bottle of POM pomegranate juice liquid water enhancer (purple-ish)
  • 1 can of  coke-cola (red)
  • Crushed smarties(new)
  • Red bull: red edition(new) 
  • 1 bag of lifesavers or skittles (taste the rainbow)
  • 1 roll of duck-tape (no, I am not kidding)
  • Optional: Vault energy drink (if you can find it)

How to make it:
  Making this drink requires patience and duck-tape. Why preserve the energy drink mix and to prevent it from possibly imploding, or at least for your sake I hope it  doesn't implode in on itself. Now there is only a 90% it won't happen with this version of the Concussion Grenade, but there is a small chance so be careful. 
  1. The first step is to open the resealable can of  16 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink, and get rid of about 1/4 of the drink ( do not lose cap). 
  2. Than squirt about 10 drops of 10 squirts of a small bottle of POM pomegranate juice liquid water enhancer.
  3. Follow it up with 1/4 can of Boost original Amp energy drink; just be careful when your pouring the amp into the resealable can of  12 fl.oz of Absolute zero monster energy drink. The reason is simple; this is the beginning of the where the monster might explode so be ready to close the drink as soon a possible or hover it over a sink.
  4. Then pour either 1/5 Orange Juice or Apple into the container. You only need a bit.
  5. When your done tap the can off with as much  coke-cola as possible.     
  6.  Seal the can up with the cap and duct-tape. Let the Concussion Grenade sit in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. 
  7. When you are ready, grab your glass you wish to hold your beverage in and place a lifesavers, or a handful of skittles into the glass. 
  8. Once that task is complete, grab the Concussion Grenade from the fridge and pour it into your glass. 
  9. Finally, wait a few minutes and drink the Concussion Grenade for quite the bang!

Danger level: 9/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10