Monday, April 27, 2015

Gamer's stamina potion (Energy Drink mix 22)

Gamer's stamina potion 

    As many of my friends know, I love gaming. From playing Smite to playing DnD with my friends, I never get tired of it. So in dedication for these long years playing games with my friends I decided to make several potions that are meant for Gamers around the world. The first potion was originally going to be a mana potion but backfired rather quickly so instead I named it the Gamer's stamina potion and I guarantee that this will taste way better then those WOW potions blizzard sold. A word of warning if you use powerade powder with the drink  it will react to the monster the same way mentos and coke does.  Enjoy. 

Cost: ~ $4 to $6

What you need for a liter:
  • 12floz of blue Powerade.
  • 12floz of blue monster energy drink
  • 34floz of Mnt.Dew voltage
How to make:
  1. Find a 1 liter bottle with a cap
  2. Pour the blue Powerade until the bottle is half-empty
  3. Then pour half of the blue monster energy drink
  4. Then fill the rest of the bottle with Mnt.Dew voltage
  5. Cap the drink 
  6. Refrigerate it for at least an hour
  7. Enjoy.

Danger level: 6/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10

*Please drink responsibly* 

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