Gamer's stamina potion
As many of my friends know, I love gaming. From playing Smite to playing DnD with my friends, I never get tired of it. So in dedication for these long years playing games with my friends I decided to make several potions that are meant for Gamers around the world. The first potion was originally going to be a mana potion but backfired rather quickly so instead I named it the Gamer's stamina potion and I guarantee that this will taste way better then those WOW potions blizzard sold. A word of warning if you use powerade powder with the drink it will react to the monster the same way mentos and coke does. Enjoy.
Cost: ~ $4 to $6
What you need for a liter:
- 12floz of blue Powerade.
- 12floz of blue monster energy drink
- 34floz of Mnt.Dew voltage
How to make:
- Find a 1 liter bottle with a cap
- Pour the blue Powerade until the bottle is half-empty
- Then pour half of the blue monster energy drink
- Then fill the rest of the bottle with Mnt.Dew voltage
- Cap the drink
- Refrigerate it for at least an hour
- Enjoy.
Danger level: 6/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10
*Please drink responsibly*