Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Zombie blood (Energy drink mix 19)

 Zombie Blood (Energy drink mix 19)

     This energy drink was meant to be released on Halloween, but there was a few complications preventing me from posting it earlier. Luckily for all of us, it is now up and ready to be consumed.
Since it was a halloween drink I decided something red and something fruity to make it even more sweet since Halloween is filled to the brim with sweet things...and zombies as well as other creatures of the night, but mostly zombies. This is a quick energy drink mix that will go great with any party and game night. Enjoy.

Cost: $6 to $10

What you need for 16fl.oz:
  • 1 cup of fruit punch soda
  • 1/2  cup of Cherry juice (your favorite brand)
  • 1/2 cup Red Bull:red edition
  • Optional: a cherry

How to make:
  1.  First pour 1 cup of fruit punch soda into your 16fl.oz container.
  2. Then proceed to pour 1/2 of cherry juice into the same container.
  3. Gently follow it by filling the rest of it with half a cup of Red Bull: red edition.
  4. Place in fridge for an hour or till it is cold.
  5. Serve in small glasses and place a cherry on top.

Danger level: 5
Awesomeness level: 7

*Please drink responsibly*

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