Saturday, August 15, 2015

Experience Potion (energy drink mix 24)

Experience Potion
Lychee Nuts

Exp. Potion

   My friends and I have been playing minecraft a lot on our own server and we decided to celebrate it I should make something minecraft related and I just happen to get a Lychee nut tree so I decided to put two and two together to make something my friends love but I kinda dislike it but they encourage me to show it so hopefully you will enjoy it much more then me. 

Cost: ($3 - ??)

What you need for a liter:
15 fl.oz Lychee nuts (20 lychee nuts squeezed)
16 fl.oz Monster energy drink ultra 
Optional: 3 teaspoons of sugar and/or 4 teaspoons of honey
Optional: 12 fl.oz of cranberry juice

How to make:
  1. If you putting sugar and/or honey in first please use it first then continue.
  2. Empty the entire can of Monster energy drink ultra into the liter
  3. Then follow it up by pouring in the freshly squeezed or canned Lychee nut juice.
  4. Close the bottle tightly then shake for a while. 
  5. Leave in the fridge for a day or for 30 mins for immediate use.
  6. If you want cranberry juice the best option is to pour it into your glass at least 1/4 of the way, then pour the Experience Potion.
  7. Enjoy

Danger level: 3/10
Awesomeness level: 5/10

                                *please drink responsibly*

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Gamer's Health Potion (Energy Drink mix 23)

Gamer's Health Potion

  More DnD drinks for everyone. Grab your nearest friends and use this to gauge your health as you slowly unable to control yourself from shaking violently and have no fear powder-ade (powdered power-ade) is not in the drink. Instead I used Gatorade instead which is sooo expensive. Regardless this is another inexpensive drink that will get your heart pumping more then when your GM decided he should summon a hydra in front of your hero.

Cost: $3 - $7

What you need for a litter: 
32 floz of red fruit punch Gatorade
12 floz  of red cherry Amp
8 floz of Mountain Dew: code red
Optional: a few drops of Mio Energy black cherry

How to make:
  1. Open the bottle and pour the Mountain Dew: code red until the entire can is gone.
  2. After you discard the empty can, proceed to pour the rest of the cherry amp into the liter.
  3. Pour 14 floz into the little with the fruit punch Gator ade or till  its nearly full. 
  4. If you adding the Mio, instead of adding it to the litter add a few drop of Mio black cherry to every glass full you take. I find it tastes better that way and saves you more Mio.
  5. Pour Health potion in a small glass with ice in it for best result.
  6. Enjoy

Danger level: 6.5/10
Awesomeness level: 9/10

*please drink responsibly, and do remember that these drinks are not healthy for you*

Author note: I would like to apologize for my sudden absents with the blog. I got really busy with a few jobs over the summer.*