So much time has passed since I posted my last energy drink, so much more Space Dandy. After my spring semester in college I wound up watching Space Dandy because none of my friends would shut-up about it. A few months after that, I felt inspired enough to make a energy drink mix on this anime. This is a very sweet or sour drink depending on how you make it so please read carefully.
Cost: Around $16
What you need for 24fl.oz:
- 1/4 cup of Black berry juice
- 1 cup of Coke~cola
- Three squeezed Green grapes or 2/8 cup of green grape juice (optional)
- 1 cup of Orange juice
- 1/2 cup of Redbull
How to make:
- First three squeeze grapes into the container or pour the grape juice if you want to make it sour.
- I used a mortar and pestle
- Gently pour the Black berry juice into the container
- Then pour a carefully measured cup of Orange juice into the container.
- Add more then a cup of Orange juice to increase the sweetness.
- Then gently pour a cup of Coke-Cola.
- The less foam the better
- Finally it up to the drop with Red Bull.
- Pour into a small glass with ice and take sips to really enjoy it.
Danger level: 7.5
Awesomeness level: 9/10
*Please drink responsibly*
Pompadour hair was made by:
Space background can be found: